We value Scripture
We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired word. It is the authoritative rule of faith and practice for people’s lives. We are committed to preaching and teaching his word so that we may follow Christ in every area of our lives.
We value Compassion and Grace
Letting people know that we care and are willing to do something about it is central to our fellowship. We strive to express it through means that create no predetermined standard socially, economically, ethically or spiritually.
We value Family
We seek to provide an atmosphere that strengthens families. We are committed to strong youth and children’s programs.
We value Prayer
Corporate and private prayer is a necessity for maintain a personal and corporate relationship with Christ that allows his direction in the formation and execution of all ministries and personal affairs of our lives.
We value Leadership
We believe in the biblical pattern of God providing strong Spirit-led human leadership to accomplish his plans on the earth.
We value Authentic Worship
An intense atmosphere of celebration that leads people into the presence of God is a constant goal in our worship services
We value Development of People
We seek to help people grow spiritually. We provide programs at many levels to accomplish biblical discipleship principles.
We value Cultural Relevance, Creativity, and Excellence
We believe that every person deserves and requires a presentation of the Good News of Christ’s life-changing principles. Although our standard of scripture never changes, we are committed to presentations and programs that communicate in the language of today. The best offering we may present of who Christ is and what he can mean in our lives.
We value Community
We encourage all our people to involve themselves in biblically-based small groups where they may be taught, encouraged and led to maturity in Christ.
We value People
We will use every available means that honors God to bring people into life-changing, ongoing personal relationship with Jesus Christ.