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Worship Ministry


1. Psalm 66:1 &2, “Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His name; give to Him glorious praise!” (E.S.V.) 2. Always endeavoring to bring the platform to a higher level, spiritually and musically
  • Teaching musicians and choir members their biblical purpose.
  • Creating unity in and through the whole department.
  • Allowing musicians and choir members to operate fully within their gifts and calling according to their abilities.
  • Setting values and goals for the music department.
  • Maintaining a standard of excellence


Every advancement in how people live has come because someone saw what could be and was no longer willing to accept what is. The men and women responsible for those spiritual breakthroughs of years past and present imagined something that was not yet visible to the human eye. They refused to yield to the idea that there was no better way to do things and pressed toward something better, even though the process often required years of hard work and many failures along the way. Consequently, countless people in succeeding generations have reaped the benefits. 

The starting point for this advancement was people who did not settle for status quo, but believed that things could be different and better.