Misunderstanding the Bible
Recently I re-read the story of Joseph and Pharaoh found in Genesis 37-41. This time, I looked at the account in the light of Leadership theories. No doubt the Pharaoh of Egypt was a top down leader that would embrace the (Great Man Theory). This theory says, in essence, that leaders are born and not made. Contrast this with Joseph as a leader and you see something that might more closely resemble the (Behavioral Theory) which includes the idea that leaders are made and not born. We see this in the development of Joseph and in how he manages the supernatural. Early on, God gives him a dream and he parlays it into disaster. Later he handles the interpretation God gives him with humility and is elevated through promotion to productivity. It could be argued that Joseph was born with inherited traits that made him an excellent candidate for leadership. (Trait Theory) In his book “Handbook of Leadership” R.M. Stogdill gives a list of such traits. Here, I have compared them to Joseph’s leadership progression:
Assertiveness – He shared his dream
Self Control – He resists Potiphars wife
Dependable – He is promoted in prison
Responsible – He is elevated to Prime Minister