The Joy Of Connecting
God is all about connecting. He wants to connect with us and He wants us to connect with each other. God wants us to connect to the community so they can connect to Him. You and I will never be happier than when we are fulfilling God’s dream for our lives. We will never have more joy than when we are connecting with God, connecting to others, and when we can connect others to the Lord. There is genuine joy in connecting. It stands to reason that if God is all about connecting, He wants us to be a Connecting Point for Him. We live in a sea of people who do not yet know Christ. There are enough people in your community to fill up every church in your town fifty times. God revealed the principles of connecting when I hungered to see people come to faith, not just to grow our church. Did you get that? It is critical that we are more interested in seeing people come to faith than growing our church. I am not sure how interested God is in growing our church, but He has proven how He feels about connecting with people. He proved His heart at Calvary. It is a matter of priorities. If we connect people with God, we will not be able to stop our church from growing. On the other hand, if we strive to grow our church, we may find ourselves wandering lost in the forest of methodologies. We may also miss God’s plan for our culture, and more specifically, for our community. When I speak of community, I am not speaking of people who live near your church. In today’s society, community has more to do with culture and less to do with geographic proximity. I believe God wants to connect with people in your community more than you do. If this is true, then it stands to reason that God has a plan to reach them. I believe the Holy Spirit will lead you to that specific plan. Once you engage the plan, you will find the joy of connecting.