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How is God sovereign yet we have free will?

God is sovereign. Nothing happens, or could possibly happen, that He does not allow. Also, whatever He says will happen, does happen. This is the point where many people like to blame God for all the evils in the world. But doing so neglects the next...

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Faith vs Naturalism

Are miracles real or not? Most people can answer that with a simple yes or no. This article will conclude with two “miracles” that we all agree occurred. But first, let’s discuss the two types of people out there: ones who believe in miracles and...

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Victory Through the Crisis

We are living in challenging times. I want to encourage your heart. Our Wonderful Lord told us this would happen. In response to questions about the end of the age He said: “And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled;...

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Is it time to redefine evangelism?

How do we find balance as we attempt to redefine evangelism? It is shown beautifully by Christ Himself in Acts Chapter Eight when He said, “You will be witnesses unto me, first in Jerusalem, then in Judea, and Samaria and unto the uttermost parts...

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Peeling the Eternal Onion

I originally thought that by this point in my life I would have a clear definition of leadership. I did not adequately fathom the depth of this discipline. Through my reading and, I have come to realize that defining leadership, and followership for...

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Defining Leadership the Hard Way

Recently I started my Doctoral program at Regent University in Virginia. We were required to do a two week residency to start things off. There were over 100 Doctoral students there studying leadership. All of them are leaders in their respective...

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